Sunday, March 28, 2010

Palais Easter Hunt

It's easter egg hunt time at Palais...woot! There are 6 eggs hidden inside the main store at Palais, so that's 6 free items...hop your bootys over there and start looking. I won't tell you what is in all of them, but I will tell you that one item will help keep you warm, one will light your path in a very pretty way, one has some awesome sits in it, and another one hasn't ever been seen by anyone but Cake yet (ok, and meeeeee *giggles*) and you really won't want to miss it, especially if you like kinky RP. *winks*

Ohhh, it's so dark out here, good thing I found this pretty lamp to light my way!

A few things you should know: Please don't IM Cake asking where they are, she's very busy and doesn't want to ruin the surprise. All eggs are light colored and true egg size, also hidden inside the store, no reason to look outside. They ARE hidden, but not in a tricky won't have to cam into another prim to find them. There are some areas of the castle that are new and don't have any products in them, but there are no eggs hidden in those areas. She does not mind if you share the location of the eggs with a few friends, but if she realizes they aren't a challenge to anyone anymore, she will move them, so don't share the locations with all of SL. It's supposed to be a fun HUNT for everyone to enjoy.

This pic doesn't exactly give it away, but kinda close. *wiggles her eyebrows*
Here comes Peter Cottontail
Hoppin' down the bunny trail
Hippity hoppin', Easter's on its way
Just as you should be hippity hoppin' your way to Palais right now scooping up those eggs for your own houses, er baskets.

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