Monday, May 23, 2011

Getting Shirty

The other day I popped into The Locker Room. It reboots every couple of weeks and this round I'd only done a flying visit without any cash so I figured I should go back and grab a few items that had caught my eye before they vanished.

First on the list was... well, a big purple outfit from subVersion actually, but I didn't take a photo of that. It's fairly standard but subVersion standards as it's pulled right from the mainstore, but it was less than half price which works for me!

I also had my eye on some boots from Juice. They're called Tonka and, well, I loved Tonka trucks when I was a kid so Tonka workman boots? Awesome! I started singing some Paolo Nutini and put my new shoes on, only to find that by default they attach to your lower leg not feet. I'm used to that with two part boots but if it's a single attachment I usually expect them on my feet. Still, easy enough to manage.

I was wondering if hanging around in a male locker room in my big tough look was over-compensating a little for my time as Flashette so I quickly grabbed the skirt on sale from Hardwear, thankfully they called it a kilt so I could get that masculine/feminine balance just right!

Now if I'm in a kilt the original outfit was now down to just a shirt, so I had a big dilemma when my eyes fell upon a fatpack of Superman T-shirts! That rocks, so I throw my 100L at the vendor and went for a totally new look. And then I realised something wasn't quite right...

Getting Shirty

You got it, no Superman logo! I don't want to sound fussy but I think that's an important part of a product. They're actually pretty nice wet T-shirts so I can't really grumble for the money, but I wanted my Superman logos! Oh well, it's just a shame that it took the edge off my little shopping spree.

There are no pose vendors in The Locker Room so I had to rely on my old friend and frequent sighting in these parts HelaMiyo, well, the Miyo part anyway, for the Against The Wall pose above. As always it's great fun picking a pose from those packs so I was able to leave The Locker Room with a smile on my face once more.

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