Friday, May 27, 2011

Ladies who lunch and Vita's Boudoir

Ok. This hat is not new  or neither Vita's dress but i find that they do the perfect match and today I feel sexy and a little girly witch is kind of weird for me. so i went out and hunt the most romantic look i could find, and of curse my fave store need to be my first stop. VITA'S BOUDOIR, **Madame Chou Chou**the dress is a pale pink kind of burnt shadows with cute butterflies spreading around the dress.
And then it comes the hat!!.. from ladies who lunch **[LWL] March Hare Mask (tea)**from the designer Faint Paulse ,

the skin from lion Jonesford. for LionSkins. NOVA light.
Hair:Vanity hair, But it comes with the skin, so all you have to do it wear it from your pack folder.

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